When Interests Collide

Why hello there! Things have been scarce around these parts, as I’ve been busy narrowly avoiding being crushed by a falling tree on my birthday, looking at Mt. Hood from new angles, and learning how to saddle stitch leather.

This summer, I spent nearly every free weekend in the outdoors, sometimes motorcycling, sometimes camping, and oftentimes both in the same trip. Wilderness runs deep in my blood, and I needed this summer to get back into it after a few years without many wild travels.

ANYWAY, a few days ago I was watching a wonderful documentary called “Alone in the Wilderness” when I spotted what appears to be a Sheaffer Lifetime PFM(?) with a Triumph nib:

The gentleman pictured using this fine implement is Dick Proenneke, one of my heroes. In the late 60s, Mr. Proenneke built himself a cabin in a remote part of Alaska with hand tools and hard work, and then spent the next thirty-five years homesteading in the wilderness, observing and filming the weather and wildlife, and keeping detailed journals — apparently with a fountain pen.

If this at all appeals to you, the documentaries “Alone in the Wilderness” part 1 and 2 are worth checking out from your local library, along with the book “One Man’s Wilderness“.

I do love it when my interests collide.